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Our iPrEP service has now finished. We would like to thank Waimauku Medical for their support in running this service over the years.
If you would like to access PrEP, the simplest method is to visit your regular doctor/GP, they can prescribe it for you - checkout our provider section if you want information to give your GP, or find someone that is already prescribing if you don't currently have a GP.

If virtual appointments are more convenient for you, our Online section has details of several different providers that can prescribe PrEP via a video call.
Our iPrEP service has now finished. We would like to thank Waimauku Medical for their support in running this service over the years.
If you would like to access PrEP, the simplest method is to visit your regular doctor/GP, they can prescribe it for you - checkout our provider section if you want information to give your GP, or find someone that is already prescribing if you don't currently have a GP.

If virtual appointments are more convenient for you, our Online section has details of several different providers that can prescribe PrEP via a video call.
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