Positive Health

Positive Health

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A healthcare scheme for people living with HIV
Positive Health has been initiated by Body Positive as support scheme to assist people living with HIV to pay for medical fees and associated healthcare costs. The scheme is available to anyone living with HIV in New Zealand.

To access this scheme just complete the appropriate documentation at Body Positive, receive your Positive Health ID Card and then present this to the doctor or service provider for payment. The cost will then be automatically referred to Body Positive for payment.
Let us discuss the benefits of the scheme with you

Important Information

Medical Clinics
Once you select a Medical Clinic that you will be comfortable with- the first step will be to register with that clinic as this will entitle the clinic to secure the appropriate subsidy for your visits.

On your first visit go a little early (say 15 minutes) so you can complete the registration forms.

If you want to change doctors then please discuss this with Body Positive and let us know of any concern you may have.

Visiting any other Medical Clinic may result in an additional fee which will not be covered by the scheme.

Body Positive does not wish to restrict members in being able to access their doctor of choice however in allowing this Body Positive has had to introduce a maximum consultation fee payable under the scheme of $40. If your doctor charges over this maximum, you will be required to pay this difference to the clinic directly.

Body Positive agrees to meet the consultation fee up to the predetermined ceiling limit of $40 for members visits to doctors. This does NOT include medical procedures, e.g. Skin Cancer Treatments, Vaccinations, Biopsies etc. Often an application to the Wellness Fund may assist Members with these special medical expenses and a quote should be secured in the first instance and discussed with Body Positive.
Pharmacy Fees
The scheme will cover prescription fees pharmacy dispensing fees (where they exist) for HIV Antiretroviral Medication or other general prescription fees.

Some medications are not subsidised or only partial subsidised and will not be covered in the Positive Health agreement and must be paid by the member.
Ambulance Services
In most cases the need to use an ambulance falls into two categories: 'emergency' and 'non-emergency'.

If you have a critical health 'emergency' issue and need to call an ambulance then you should do so immediately. Later when the account from the St. Johns Ambulance Service arrives please bring it in to us at Body Positive for review. If we are unable to meet the total expense we will make a contribution to the cost.

Any 'non-emergency' use of an ambulance will not be covered by the scheme.
All Positive Health members are entitled to 4 annual massage treatments free of charge (up to $50 per massage).

Massages are available from an approved provider as listed, otherwise you are free to find an alternative Massage Therapist and Positive Health will contribute $50 towards the cost of each massage (up to 4 times per year).
All Positive Health members are entitled to 3 annual treatments with a Podiatrist (foot doctor) free of charge.

Podiatry services are only available from an approved provider as listed.
All Positive Health members are entitled to 2 annual treatments with a Physical Therapist free of charge (up to $50 per treatment)
Reimbursing of Costs
Sometimes a healthcare provider will not enter in to an agreement with Body Positive and the member will be required to pay up front to the medical health provider.

In this instance Body Positive will reimburse the member expenses incurred provided those expenses:
  • are not older than 3 months
  • are within the period of their current Positive Health Scheme
  • are within the criteria detailed the Positive Health terms.
Other Services / Other Areas
We are keen to add value to our Positive Health scheme and if you know of a saving or service that could benefit Body Positive Members we would love to hear about it from you.
Important Note
While all service providers must be pre-approved by Body Positive, we also reserve the right to remove any service provider at our discretion. If a service provider you have previously used in the past is removed from the scheme, we will notify you of this change.

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