Services provided by Body Positive Inc.
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Body Positive provides a broad range of services for people living with HIV in New Zealand in an attempt to break down the sense of isolation HIV+ people often experience and to build a sense of community and well-being.
Most services are provided free of charge and we are always keen to provide additional services and support when needed, so if there is something extra that you need, please contact us and we will do our best to assist.


Body Positive provides a broad range of services for people living with HIV in New Zealand in an attempt to break down the sense of isolation HIV+ people often experience and to build a sense of community and well-being.

Most services are provided free of charge and we are always keen to provide additional services and support when needed, so if there is something extra that you need, please contact us and we will do our best to assist.
Drop-In Centre
Free Rapid HIV Testing
HIV+ Peer Navigation
Positive Health
WINZ Support
Wellness Fund
Circle of Friends Memorial
Sexual Health Clinic
Massage Therapy
The Positive Speakers’ Bureau
HIV Essentials Online Course
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Drop-In Centre

Auckland drop in space for people living with HIV…
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Free Rapid HIV Testing

HIV testing with results within 30 minutes…
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HIV+ Peer Navigation

Someone to turn to who has already 'been there'.…
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Drop-In Centre

Body Positive House in Auckland operates as drop-in centre which is open Mon-Wed 10am-5pm, Thurs 10am-6pm, and 10am-4pm on Fridays. The centre is available to any Body Positive member to pop in and have a tea or coffee, use the internet, relax in the lounge, use the telephone, have a nap, use a clean bathroom or chat with other members and staff. Many members use the drop-in centre on their way to or from hospital check-ups and find it's great to have a rest space to go to and chat about upcoming tests or results.

The drop-in centre encourages members to visit on a regular basis and also this also helps Body Positive to maintain a volunteer base to assist in activities such as the reception desk.

Body Positive staff have also found that the members who use the drop-in centre are then more likely to access other services offered by Body Positive, so in this sense the drop-in centre also acts as an ice-breaker that can make members feel comfortable enough with the organisation to seek out further help when necessary.
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Free Rapid HIV Testing

HIV testing has been revolutionised with the introduction of the HIV Rapid test. Body Positive was quick to realise the potential of the easy-to-use technology and made the Rapid tests available at Body Positive in Auckland.

The HIV Rapid Test has changed the way people test because it is so quick and painless (it is similar in nature to the sugar-level tests diabetics use). Conducted by a trained Body Positive testing officer, the test consists of a simple pin-prick on one finger with a 99.2% accurate result after only 60 seconds!
Pop along to Body Positive House in Auckland during our Drop-In Service for a FREE no-hassle Rapid Test
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HIV+ Peer Navigation

Talking with someone who is HIV+ can reduce the stress and anxiety of being told you are HIV positive.

Peer Navigators give you someone to turn to who has already 'been there'.
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Positive Health

Assisting people living with HIV to pay for medical fees…
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WINZ Support

Help & Support in dealing with Work & Income…
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Extra assistance in times of need…
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Positive Health

Positive Health is a support scheme to assist people living with HIV to pay for medical fees and associated healthcare costs. The scheme is available to anyone living with HIV in New Zealand. It allows people on a benefit or with a limited income to visit their doctor or pharmacist at any time without having to stress or worry about the associated cost.
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WINZ Support

The Body Positive Support Team can offer help on how you can manage your WINZ, Kainga Ora (Housing New Zealand) and other related matters.

We also run a fortnightly WINZ Clinic at the Auckland Body Positive office on Friday afternoons, allowing people living with HIV to chat more openly about their needs with a WINZ Case Manager in a safe space.
Please contact us so we can assist you
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Those who are in extra need and who are in financial difficulty can access various Foodbanks across New Zealand. You do not need to disclose your HIV status to access foodbanks, simply contact them and they'll let you know if there is any paperwork that needs to be filled out to access their service.
Check out who maintain a directory of all foodbanks in New Zealand, and contact the one closest to you for assistance
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Wellness Fund

Financial Assistance for people living with HIV in New Zealand…
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Circle of Friends Memorial

Commemorating those whose lives have been touched by HIV/AIDS…
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Sexual Health Clinic

Free STI Screening and Treatment for men who have sex with men…
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Wellness Fund

Despite substantial improvements made over the last decade in the treatment of HIV, people in New Zealand living with the virus continue to face significant and diverse challenges in maintaining their health and wellbeing.

The Wellness Fund offers direct financial assistance to HIV positive people who live in New Zealand where alternative sources of assistance are unavailable.
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Circle of Friends Memorial

Located in Western Springs Lakeside Park in Auckland, the New Zealand Circle of Friends was established in response to the need for a memorial garden as a focal point to commemorate those whose lives have been touched by HIV/AIDS.

It has become a place of contemplation, hope and renewal to commemorate the many New Zealanders who have experienced the effects of HIV/AIDS. Partners, family and friends now have the opportunity to have their own and or their loved one's name engraved in the stone circle, to be maintained in perpetuity.
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Sexual Health Clinic

In partnership with Auckland Sexual Health Service, we now offer Free STI Screening and Treatment for all men who have sex with men.

Thursdays 10:30am-5:30pm, at Body Positive House, Auckland
Call 09 309 3989 to book your free appointment
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Massage Therapy

Relaxing & therapeutic massage for people living with HIV…
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The Positive Speakers’ Bureau

Empower people living with HIV to share their stories…
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HIV Essentials Online Course

Learn about HIV prevention, treatment and stigma in Aotearoa…
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Massage Therapy

Every Thursday at Body Positive
Our wonderful massage therapist Shane is at Body Positive every Thursday afternoon offering relaxing and therapeutic massages for people living with HIV.

Many medical experts state that it is important for positive people to avoid stress or at least alleviate stress. Massage can provide this benefit.

Current members of our Positive Health Scheme are entitled to 4 free massage treatments each year ($50 for each additional massage or if you are not a member of Positive Health)
Call us on 09 309 3989 to book your appointment or visit the Body Positive Reception
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The Positive Speakers’ Bureau

The Positive Speakers’ Bureau support and train people living with HIV to become educators through the sharing of their lived experiences. This empowers people living with HIV to advocate for their rights and be part of the global HIV response.

It provides a unique opportunity for audiences to listen and learn about HIV and ask questions. Hearing stories in this intimate and personalised way is incredibly powerful for both the speaker and the audience.

Speakers present to a range of audiences across all sectors; reducing fear, dispelling myths and offering a human face to HIV. The service is entirely free of charge.

The Positive Speakers’ Bureau is managed and administered by Positive Women.
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HIV Essentials Online Course

Learn about HIV prevention, treatment and stigma in Aotearoa

The aim of the course is to provide accessible, accurate and up-to-date information on HIV prevention, treatment and stigma. The course is aimed at people working in the health sector and as an educational tool for the wider community. Coupled with a speaker from the Positive Speakers Bureau, the PSB is offering a unique, engaging and comprehensive learning package.

The online programme was developed by the Positive Speakers Bureau in conjunction with Marshalls eLearning, with contributions from people living with HIV, and others with many years of experience in the HIV sector. The medical content has been approved by Auckland Infectious Diseases Clinician, Professor Mark Thomas. The course is funded by the Ministry of Health.

This is a free course and qualifies for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points and educational credits by some NZ professional bodies. There is an assessment component to the course. Those who successfully complete the assessment, will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
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By becoming a member you will be able to access all the services we offer, as well as support and updates to help you live better.


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